"Really? Really!? A Divas bull riding contest? Is that what this show has devolved to?" -- The Miz, on Raw, 2010
What is the state of pro wrestling when The Miz is the voice of reason?
Tuesday Night
1 hour ago
How the Public Option Got Its Groove BackSo he knows the public option isn't going to be in the bill, but has to blog about how it seems like the public option is BACK.
Just to be clear, if I were a betting man, I wouldn't be betting the farm on a health care reform bill with a public option. To put it mildly. But just a couple weeks ago, not only did reform seem pretty much dead but any thought that a public option would be included in a deal seemed pretty much crazy. And yet, out of the blue, through a pretty organic and somewhat fortuitous process, it's back.
Liberals Are Ugly Cocaine Users Who Can't Speak in Complete SentenceIn fact I CAN speak in complete sentences, I just often choose not to. So there.
It's starting to seem that Amy Bishop, the biology professor who mowed down three colleagues at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) last week, had not one but perhaps as many as three outbursts of homicidal violence in her life. She shot her brother to death in an incident that was ruled an accident at the time but looks much more like an argument that escalated to murder. And she was investigated but never charged after a pipe bomb (which did not detonate) was mailed to the guy who ran the lab she was working in at Harvard.Shit, Laura Bush murdered a guy and that's never even mentioned. Yep, if you're an upper class white woman in the united states you can get away with a lot of exciting stuff.
"We think that Survivor Series is obsolete, as far as that title is concerned. It was something that worked many, many years ago, in terms of a creative standpoint, various teams competing. That really is not advantageous as the consumer now looks as what actually they are buying. And it's such a broad ... Survivor Series yes, many years ago, was one of the original four pay-per-views, but it's outlasted its usage and it is one of the things in terms of re-branding, this year and going forward, that will be re-branded. No longer will we have that title, Survivor Series."What the fuck. This is something ridiculous "Mr. McMahon" would say.
He was a complicated political figure, but he will be remembered for something very brave: it's impossible to overestimate how important it was to have this conservative, ex-marine, super patriot Democrat step up on Iraq at a time when the country needed him. He led the way for the Democrats to finally find the courage to oppose Bush and I'm not sure it would have happened without him.Wait, when was this?
The opening night speaker at the Tea Party convention suggested a return to a "literacy test" to protect America from presidents like Obama...
Tancredo.... complained that "people who could not even spell the word 'vote', or say it in English, put a committed socialist ideologue in the White House. His name is Barack Hussein Obama.Which is odd, since I thought all liberals were elitist, particular-type-of-lettuce-eating, limosine-riding, Ivory Tower college professors. I guess they are ALL that, but also illiterate illegal immigrants.
The product of divorced parents from Marin County, California (are there any other kind?), he was raised in the very crucible of cultural nuttiness at the absolute zenith of its pervasiveness. He is a child of hot tubs, amicable divorce, racial guilt, vegan diets, Chardonnay anti-Americanism, and "Teach Peace" bumper stickers. He is the product of gray-bearded radical high-school history teachers, old Volvos, public radio, world beat music, women's bookstores, pita-wrap sandwiches, and clunky brown sandals.Alright, lets say you have conservatives views. Lets say you don't like people who have liberal views. Fine. But what is this weird obsession rightwingers have with classifying everything in existence as either a rightwing or leftwing "thing"?
Another fan at the time, ‘ZillaJoe, says, “You really felt the betrayal. I’ll tell ya, I can watch that whole thing unfold even today and get caught up in it. It played out very realistically. I was only 9 at the time and didn’t really have any idea to think it wasn’t gonna be a “scientific” match. As it progressed though and Larry became more and more frustrated, there was this little part of me that went ‘Uh-oh, this is gonna end badly.’” Joe cites a Zbyszko promo that sums up the emotion of the feud: “Bruno, you call me Judas? Well, we all know who you think YOU are now.”That is one of the best lines I've ever heard. Check out the link for the whole story.
Although I hadn’t seen WWF TV at this point, at 9 years old I was stunned at the news, which was featured on the cover of the May 1980 issue of INSIDE WRESTLING, along with the dramatic headline: “Larry Zbyszko leaves Bruno … drowning in a pool of blood!” Bruno vs. Zbyszko was one of those feuds I could only follow through the Apter mags and other rasslin’ publications, making their battles larger than life to me.I had the same relationship with ECW in the mid-90s. I was on the west coast and could only follow ECW in the Apter mags, and goddamn did I follow it. ECW was taking place in this weird foreign fantasy land and there was no internet or television to follow it on, all I got was monthly dispatches of Cactus Jack and Sabu's latest. And as undeniably great the internet is, there was something magical about words and black and white photos of bloody wrestling wars taking place a million miles away.
The 9 year old sister of Disney megastar Miley Cyrus is reported to be promoting a (man this feels weird to type) lingerie line for children. The highly sexualized photos that appear to to promote that clothing line show children posing around a stripper pole. Related images basically present the kids as cute li'l whores. I just vomited in my keyboard.
Most who read this post will (I hope) agree: promotional photos that show scantily clad and made-up little girls flirting at the camera from behind a stripper pole are totally wrong and sad. But, question. Who's to blame? The parents? The agents? The managers? The publicists? The garment company? The studios (I guess Disney, in this case)? All of the above?
"If I had killed somebody, it wouldn’t have had so much appeal to the press, you see? But… fucking, you see, and the young girls. Judges want to fuck young girls. Juries want to fuck young girls. Everyone wants to fuck young girls!"Hard to argue with the guy.
Vin Diesel and Paul Walker have signed on for Fast Five, which will see the Dom (Diesel) and Brian (Walker) on the run from the law.