"Really? Really!? A Divas bull riding contest? Is that what this show has devolved to?" -- The Miz, on Raw, 2010
What is the state of pro wrestling when The Miz is the voice of reason?
Have You Met Your HHS Secretary
1 hour ago
How the Public Option Got Its Groove BackSo he knows the public option isn't going to be in the bill, but has to blog about how it seems like the public option is BACK.
Just to be clear, if I were a betting man, I wouldn't be betting the farm on a health care reform bill with a public option. To put it mildly. But just a couple weeks ago, not only did reform seem pretty much dead but any thought that a public option would be included in a deal seemed pretty much crazy. And yet, out of the blue, through a pretty organic and somewhat fortuitous process, it's back.
Liberals Are Ugly Cocaine Users Who Can't Speak in Complete SentenceIn fact I CAN speak in complete sentences, I just often choose not to. So there.
It's starting to seem that Amy Bishop, the biology professor who mowed down three colleagues at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) last week, had not one but perhaps as many as three outbursts of homicidal violence in her life. She shot her brother to death in an incident that was ruled an accident at the time but looks much more like an argument that escalated to murder. And she was investigated but never charged after a pipe bomb (which did not detonate) was mailed to the guy who ran the lab she was working in at Harvard.Shit, Laura Bush murdered a guy and that's never even mentioned. Yep, if you're an upper class white woman in the united states you can get away with a lot of exciting stuff.
"We think that Survivor Series is obsolete, as far as that title is concerned. It was something that worked many, many years ago, in terms of a creative standpoint, various teams competing. That really is not advantageous as the consumer now looks as what actually they are buying. And it's such a broad ... Survivor Series yes, many years ago, was one of the original four pay-per-views, but it's outlasted its usage and it is one of the things in terms of re-branding, this year and going forward, that will be re-branded. No longer will we have that title, Survivor Series."What the fuck. This is something ridiculous "Mr. McMahon" would say.